Craftsmen of Florence
What actually makes Oltrarno so unique are not only its museums or the heritage of a glorious past, but its craftsmen.
In the streets and lanes of these quarters you can still find a great number of workshops where ancient skills and traditions are carried on and further enriched by masters who really embody the same creativity of great Renaissance artists.
With passion and knowledge of century-old arts, today's craftsmen create beautiful artworks: goldsmithery, wood carving and decoration, wrought iron, scagliola, mosaic, guilding, leather...
Walking across Oltrarno you will discovery the craftsmen who can realize that object you are dreaming of! presents to its visitors a selection of artisan workshops of Oltrarno as well as pages with informations and pictures about traditional Florentine arts:

With printing and advance in education, books became more accessible and of fairly common use. Bookbinders developed simplier bindings, which were - and are - still based upon the same techniques: today's traditional bookbinding differs from the medieval one almost exclusively for the materials used in the working - cords instead of animal ligaments for sewing, cardboard instead of wooden panels for covers.
Pictures and informations about this crafting
Marbled Paper

At the end of 18th Century marbled paper came to Florence, where it was used in a first time only for decorating edges of books; then it begun to be used also for endpapers and covers and as a beautiful covering for many objects.
Pictures and informations about this crafting

The word «scagliola» stems probably from the «scaglie» ("blades") which characterize selenite, a crystal gypsum used for preparing the scagliola mixture.
Scagliola was developed in 17th Century in Emilia Romagna - an italian region where marble and similar stones are very scarce but plenty of selenite is to be found - mainly in the city of Carpi, which soon became an important centre for the production of altar ornaments in scagliola for churches. From there this art spread to other italian regions: Lombardy, Marche and Tuscany. Florence has been a capital of scagliola since 18th Century.
Nowadays craftsmen who master this art are very few; they produce tables, small decorated objects and panels with motives or figures.
Pictures and informations about this crafting
Water gilding

Gilding has been widely used from 13th Century until today, not only on paintings but also in architecture (e.g. for decorating doors), in luxury household articles and for church ornaments - today it is mainly used for the decoration of wooden frames.
Pictures and informations about this crafting
New pages will be published in the forthcoming weeks.